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1111 Civic Drive, Suite 111, Walnut Creek, CA 94596

Tel: 925-977-1638

Tui Na.

Tui Na is a therapeutic massage developed in China over 2,000 years ago. Tui Na is effective for musculoskeletal problems such as sports injury, neck pain, shoulder tension, lower back pain, and numbness and tingling sensation in the limbs. Tui Na is also good for relieving headaches, stress, anxiety, depression, and insomnia. Unlike many modern drug-based or surgery-based treatments, Tui Na has minimal side effects. 

Tui Na's techniques range from light stroking to deep-tissue work. They include the use of hand techniques to massage soft tissues (muscles and tendons), as well as stretching, acupressure, and other techniques to realign musculoskeletal relationships, relax muscle spasm, mobilize joints, and reduce inflammation. Herbal ointments or liniments can also be used topically to enhance the above therapeutic methods. 

Treatment sessions last from 30 minutes to over an hour. Patients should wear loose and comfortable clothes during the session. Patients often return for additional treatments for chronic conditions. In addition to release of pain, the patient usually feels relaxed, or surprisingly energized, by the treatment. Tui Na is not used for conditions involving compound fractures, external wounds, open sores or lesions, or with infectious conditions such as hepatitis. Tui Na should not be performed on the abdominal region of a pregnant woman. Never go for a treatment just after eating; wait at least one hour.

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